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Slushy Maker! for Android Free Download

Version: for Android
Updated On:
Oct 15, 2019
Package name:
Download it on play store

Slushy Maker! - an interactive casual application for the youngest users, in which they are invited to decorate glasses of soft drinks. It is difficult to imagine a hot summer afternoon with its scorching sun without the opportunity to quench your thirst with a delicious and healthy drink with ice cubes. And it is much more pleasant if the serving of the drink is efficiently and effectively organized from an aesthetic point of view - it is these little players who will have to deal with this new product, using a large selection of decorative elements.

It all starts in Slushy Maker! from the choice of a container - it can be ordinary transparent glass, but this object, decorated with hearts, flowers, abstract drawings, and so on, looks much nicer and more interesting. Having decided on the choice, you should think about the lid (after all, you do not want the drink to spill after an awkward movement), which can also be of any color. It's time to fill the glass with the contents - banana, cherry, peach, blueberry, strawberry lemonade, chocolate cocktail, or watermelon juice, there are a lot of options.

It's hard to imagine a soft drink without a straw, which is the same in Slushy Maker! is offered in a variety of outlandish configurations - straight, curved, transparent, multicolored, and so on. When the user fully satisfies his craving for the beautiful and the unusual, you can share the fruit of your fantasy with numerous friends by sending them a screenshot in any convenient way. By the way, the developers did not forget about a moment of rest, suggesting to dilute the workflow with a fun mini-game for speed and reaction.

  • for the little ones
  • entertainment

Technical information

Package name com.crazycatsmedia.android_make_slushies

Genre For children

Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 + requirements

Devices for the phone, for the tablet

Download Slushy Maker! is located in the For children category and was developed by Crazy Cats's. The average rating on our website is out of stars. However, this app is rated 3 out of 5 stars according to different rating platforms. You can also respond Slushy Maker! on our website so that our users can get a better idea of ​​the application. If you want to know more about Slushy Maker!, you can visit the official developer website for more information. The average rating is rated by 2477 users. The app was rated 1-star by 41 users and 5-star by 1947 users. The app has been downloaded at least 884 times, but the number of downloads can reach 17680. Download Slushy Maker! If you need a free app for your Action device, but you need version or higher to install this app.

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Google Play Additional Information for App:

Required Android:
55.4 Mb
Rated for
The application was released on Oct 15, 2019, and has been available on ApkCeo ever since. The current version is and since then it has been downloaded more than 16632 times from our platform. The app is available in English and 15 others languges with full version that you will download. Download the APK and open it with your favorite file manager. Tap the file name to install. If the installation does not start, you need to enable unknown sources in your Android settings. The app was updated on Oct 15, 2019. If you would like to write a review, install this app and rate it on our website. The download is as direct as our speed and we provide direct links to all available versions of Slushy Maker! for free. Please note that we provide both basic and pure APK files and faster download speeds for Slushy Maker!. You can also download Slushy Maker! APK and run it with the popular Android Emulators.

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